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What do I need to submit?

Submit two poems and your Writer's CV.

You can find some helpful points on making a writer's CV here.

Give us two recent examples of your work. They don't need to be your favourite or best pieces, just ones that feel representative of you as a poet.

You can submit written poems as text files or send us video or audio files.

Further information 

We also ask you for two bits of extra information. 

Tell us a bit about your work as a poet. 

Who inspires you? What do you like to write about? What are you doing at the moment? What would you like to be doing next? 

Tell us about your interest in multilingual creativity.

UNDERTOW focuses on working with people from mixed heritage and diaspora backgrounds to unlock the creative potential of polylingualism. Tell us a bit about your own background, your connection with another language and your interest in multilingual creativity.

Your answers need to be a maximum of 300 words long, but shorter is fine too.

You can send in written submissions or upload video or audio files, with a max length of three minutes.

Submissions are FREE 

Who can apply

  • You must be between 18 and 26 years old on the 1st of September 2024
  • You must self-identify as belonging to a mixed heritage and diaspora background
  • You must have a relationship with a second language beyond English

The where and the when

  • The deadline for submissions is midnight, Sunday, 18 August 2024
  • The shortlisted poets will be informed on Monday, 9 September 2024
  • The selected poets must be available for an in-person day of workshops on September 21st 2024
  • The selected poets will perform in Manchester in November as part of the PTC's 20th Birthday Celebrations.
Poetry Translation Centre